Author: admin

Student Spotlight: Melissa Alipalo

Student Spotlight: Melissa Alipalo

Why do you write? I write to remem­ber, as a matter of record. I write to honor the people, places, and ideas that have given my life unex­pect­ed meaning. I write with the hope and intent of sharing some of that meaning with others. There’s enough…

Student Spotlight: Tim Harkins

Student Spotlight: Tim Harkins

Why do you write? I write because I’m trying to work things out. I see things, feel things, expe­ri­ence things, and I have this com­pul­sion to sort it all out on paper. It’s easier said than done. Also, there is a core element to who I am that just…

Student Spotlight: Heather Dooley

Student Spotlight: Heather Dooley

Why do I write? I didn’t know writing was some­thing I enjoyed until I entered college as a return­ing student. Though, once I real­ized it, it made sense. English was my favorite class in high school, and these days, I love telling tall tales, exag­ger­at­ing the…

Student Spotlight: Caite McNeil

Student Spotlight: Caite McNeil

Why do you write? We are sto­ry­telling animals. Our stories, others’ stories give us purpose and meaning. I guess I’m just finally lis­ten­ing to my instincts.Is there an author who has most pro­found­ly influ­enced your work? My mentor just turned me on to Jo Ann Beard. She…

Student Spotlight: Elliot Brillant

Student Spotlight: Elliot Brillant

Why do you write? As a teenag­er, I adored the rush of coming up with a concept; as I’ve aged, however, writing has become a place of solace. A place where I can explore con­cepts and emo­tions without fear. It wasn’t until I began work on…

Student Spotlight: Lucas Carroll-Garrett

Student Spotlight: Lucas Carroll-Garrett

Why do you write? I think I write to get out of my own head. I tend to get too wrapped up in my own thoughts: obser­va­tions that turn into pat­terns that turn into stories. Without some­where exter­nal (like a page) to put them, I might…

Student Spotlight: Jillian Hanson

Student Spotlight: Jillian Hanson

Inter­view Why do you write? I write to know what I know. I often (almost all the time) feel things deeply but have no words for what I’m feeling, so cre­at­ing poems helps me to under­stand my expe­ri­ence and get at what’s true. Also, writing keeps…

Student Spotlight: Mia Millefoglie

Student Spotlight: Mia Millefoglie

Inter­view Why do you write? The world of cre­ative writing is rel­a­tive­ly new to me. It begins with a birth­day gift from my husband Bill, who often said, “you got to write your stories down.”  Five years ago, he took charge and enrolled me in my…

Student Spotlight: Shannon L. Bowring

Student Spotlight: Shannon L. Bowring

Inter­view What do you write?  My focus is lit­er­ary fiction. Up until recent­ly, I wrote pri­mar­i­ly self-con­­tained short fiction, but I am now working on a novel-in-stories, based on the small town where I grew up in North­ern Maine. I’m com­pelled to write char­ac­ter-driven narratives…

Student Spotlight: Jonathan Pessant

Student Spotlight: Jonathan Pessant

Inter­view What do you write?  As a poet, I write poems about my time in the U.S. Army, working at the United States Dis­ci­pli­nary Bar­racks as a cor­rec­tion­al guard; I write poems about city and country life, and how they are simul­ta­ne­ous­ly par­al­lel yet their own…