Stonecoast Review

The Official Literary Journal of University of Southern Maine’s Stonecoast MFA


The Stonecoast Review cel­e­brates inclu­sive and ethical sto­ry­telling. The diver­si­ty of voices ampli­fied here intend to rep­re­sent all races, eth­nic­i­ties, cul­tures, gender and sexual iden­ti­ties, and abil­i­ties. We seek and promote the work of emerg­ing writers from under­rep­re­sent­ed groups. By doing so, we cel­e­brate the prin­ci­ples of the Stonecoast MFA Program’s “Writing for Inclu­siv­i­ty and Social Equity” (WISE) initiative.

We work with our con­trib­u­tors to:

  • Amplify their stories with respect, authen­tic­i­ty, and edi­to­r­i­al integrity.
  • Share their work with as wide of an audi­ence as possible.
  • Mit­i­gate the long­stand­ing power dynam­ics and biases inher­ent in Western storytelling.
  • Create a col­lab­o­ra­tive atmos­phere of trust and mutual respect.

Stonecoast Review is edited by stu­dents and alumni from Stonecoast’s low-res­i­den­cy MFA Program in Cre­ative Writing through the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Maine.

About the Stonecoast MFA Program

Estab­lished in 2000, the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Maine’s Stonecoast MFA Program in Cre­ative Writing pro­motes a pro­gres­sive, multi-genre lit­er­ary edu­ca­tion. Many award-winning nov­el­ists, essay­ists, play­wrights and poets, faculty and alumni alike, claim Stonecoast as their artis­tic home. As a low-res­i­den­cy program, Stonecoast bal­ances aca­d­e­m­ic rigor with a flex­i­ble approach to grad­u­ate learning.


Leah Scott-Kirby, Editor in Chief

leah scott-kirby
Editor in Chief

Most of Leah’s child­hood mem­o­ries are set in scathing heat or tor­ren­tial rain­fall, most likely due to her wild imag­i­na­tion. She has always dreamt of adven­ture: the kind that trans­ports you into entire­ly dif­fer­ent worlds or at least dif­fer­ent time zones. Leah cur­rent­ly lives in South Lake Tahoe with her fiancé, their 8‑yr-old human, 6‑yr-old dog, 6‑mo-old pup, and 9‑yr-old chin­chilla. She enjoys running through the moun­tains with her dogs, pad­dling out in her kayak to sun-bathe in silence, and relin­quish­ing her sanity to cre­ative projects she may never finish. 
Many call her quirky or even awkward, but she prefers the word ‘pecu­liar.’

Ron Bel Bruno - Assistant Editor in Chief

ron bel bruno
Assistant Editor in Chief

Ron Bel Bruno has written about rela­tion­ships, tech­nol­o­gy, and LBGT topics for Newsweek, Newsday, Yahoo Inter­net Life, and A.M. New York. After many years in mag­a­zine pub­lish­ing and mar­ket­ing, he’s now writing a col­lec­tion of stories about Man­hat­tan in the 1990s. Joys include burnt toast and going down YouTube rabbit holes of vintage talk-show clips. He and his husband reside in Man­hat­tan and the Hudson Valley. 

Lea Smith - Fiction Editor

lea camille smith
Fiction Editor

Lea is a writer, editor, and student at The Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Maine’s Stonecoast MFA program in fiction writing. She has been a gar­den­er for over ten years and finds inspi­ra­tion for her stories in the natural world. When she’s not writing or playing in the dirt, she can be found on skis, rollerblades, or a moun­tain bike some­where in the Mount Wash­ing­ton Valley of New Hampshire.

Amelia Kerns - Pop Fiction Editor

amelia kerns
Pop Fiction Editor

Amelia Kerns loves the fan­tas­ti­cal. Growing up, she dug her hands into books with dragons, space­ships, or smart detectives—anything she could find on the multi-rowed shelves of the local library. She wrote her own stories too, start­ing with mys­ter­ies and thrillers before diving into sci fi and fantasy. The expe­ri­ence of trans­form­ing an idea into a rich story was so excit­ing that she decided to pursue her master’s degree at the Stonecast MFA Program in Maine. As the Genre Editor for the Stonecoast Review Journal, she’s excited to work with authors to bring readers the same thrill she felt pulling a book off of the library shelf.

Julie Guerra Headshot

Creative Non-Fiction EditoR

Julie Guerra is cur­rent­ly study­ing cre­ative non­fic­tion in the Stonecoast MFA program. She received a Bach­e­lors of Fine Art in Cre­ative Writing and English from the Uni­ver­si­ty of Maine at Farm­ing­ton. When not reading or writing, they can be found trying out new recipes, working on a cross stitch, or skating at the local ice arena.


adam rodriQuez-dunn
Dramatic Works Editor

Adam Rodriquez-Dunn (he/him/his) still plays pretend when no one is watch­ing, con­fronting loop­holes in the fan­tas­ti­cal and spec­u­la­tive stories penned in his note­book or drafted using his very loud type­writer. He is as much influ­enced by the lan­guage of Tolkien and the drama of Miller as he is by the magic and struc­ture found in mythol­o­gy, anime, video games, comic books, and fairy tales. His day­dreams from his home in New England involve thoughts of start­ing an indie press, snow-covered forests, and words that sound beautiful.

Angela Williamson Emmert - Poetry Editor

angela williamson emmert
Poetry Editor

A 2022 grad­u­ate, Angela Williamson Emmert is serving for a third time as the Stonecoast Review poetry editor. Her work has appeared in About Place Journal, Atticus Review, Prime Number Mag­a­zine, Sky Island Journal, Ekphras­tic Review as well as other venues. She has received the Wis­con­sin Writers Lorine Niedeck­er Poetry Award and the Society for the Study of Mid­west­ern Literature’s Gwen­dolyn Brooks Prize. She lives in rural Wis­con­sin with her husband and sons.

Eben Thomas - Assistant Fiction Editor

eben thomas
Assistant Fiction Editor

Eben is a short fiction & poetry writer in Stonecoast’s MFA program. He mostly writes about animals, some­times human ones. He and his wife Sara live in Maine with their two cats.

Brenda Radchik - Assitant Pop Fiction Editor

brenda radchik
Assistant Pop Fiction Editor

Brenda Radchik is a Mexican horror writer whose stories have found a home in dif­fer­ent places such as Pyre Mag­a­zine, the Voices from the Mau­soleum anthol­o­gy, the Col­lec­tive Visions anthol­o­gy, and more. She majored in Inter­na­tion­al Rela­tions but secret­ly pursued cre­ative writing until she decided to keep it no longer a secret. She has a Cre­ative Writing Cer­tifi­cate from UCSD and is cur­rent­ly a student in the Stonecoast MFA program at the Uni­ver­si­ty of South­ern Maine.

Nychelle Schneider - Assistant CNF Editor

nychelle schneider
Assistant Non-Fiction Editor

Nychelle Schnei­der engages within various spheres in and outside the analog games space using her indige­nous voice to create com­mu­ni­ty, rep­re­sen­ta­tion. Lending her voice to projects created by BIPOCs and others, while craft­ing writing pieces to best elevate and high­light rep­re­sen­ta­tion in com­mu­ni­ty. She wishes to foster a prece­dence in which minori­ties and those with dis­abil­i­ties are acknowl­edged and treated as equals in these spheres.

Bonnie Golliher - Assistant Dramatic Works Editor

Bonnie Golliher
Assistant Dramatic Works Editor

Bonnie Gol­li­her crafts her analy­sis of stage, screen, and cre­ative non- fiction (CNF) through the lens of many decades. A recent MFA grad­u­ate from Stonecoast, her grad­u­ate work was cen­tered in CNF and Scriptwrit­ing. It’s not sur­pris­ing there­fore that she prizes man­u­scripts where dia­logue enjoys the star­ring role; the sto­ry­line is easily fol­lowed its cadence moves smartly through the man­u­script; and the work is within rea­son­able budget para­me­ters of pro­duc­ers. Her favorite stage work is in comedy: Sylvia, by Albert Rams­dell Gurney, 1995.

Heather Jones - Digital Editor

heather jones
Digital EditoR

Heather Jones is a digital editor who would rather use a type­writer. In her past lives, she has been a sailor, a dog­ma­tist, an expa­tri­ate and a behav­ior analyst. She has a passion for lit­er­a­ture, a love of writing and a per­son­al library of hun­dreds of books. She lives in Maine where she is a student in the Stonecoast MFA Program at USM.


Kit Ball, Kath­leen Blue-Pugh, Ben Boege­hold, Shayna Carreau, Tom Cruz-Spurl­ing, Carter Cumbo, Kris Davis, Alexa Gallant, Anthony Gutier­rez, Sophia Gutier­rez, Jillian Janson, Kevin St. Jarre, Jedidi­ah Kirch­n­er, Grace Kendall, Jesse Kormos, Jeanne Lawson, Gabrielle Low, Sarah Meierdirks, Maria Mille­foglie, Dinah McCahan, Summit Osur, Vanesa Pacheco, Jonathan Pessant, Ruth Towne, Anne Wen­strup, and Meaghan Wildes. 

The Stonecoast Review readers are vital to our cre­ative edi­to­r­i­al process. Readers will go on to take edi­to­r­i­al posi­tions within Stonecoast Review and guide the publication’s vision and style into the future. The mag­a­zine could not func­tion without them and we are incred­i­bly grate­ful for the time and effort they spend sur­fac­ing amazing stories.

Alumni advisors

Fran Cronin — Caite McNeil — Mary White